Living Vibrantly,
Leaving Peacefully.

We all deserve non-judgmental support in processing major life change, loss and grief, to live vibrantly, and to have an end-of-life experience that reflects the values we have lived by.

Loss involves grief. Unexpressed and unprocessed grief leads to dysfunction and illness of the body, spirit and relationships but we often need guidance through this process.

Most of us are unprepared for catastrophic accidents and illness, trusting that life will go on as we are used to it when in reality, things can “go south” really fast.  Few of us are trained to deal with dying, a catastrophic diagnisis or a loved one with dementia.

Finally, when death approaches we often need guidance to advocate, support and prepare – this includes healthcare advocacy, education and support in dying well and authentically.  I can help you with this, up to and including a place to die here, in Nature.

Living Vibrantly,
Leaving Peacefully.

We all deserve non-judgmental support in processing major life change, loss and grief, to live vibrantly, and to have an end-of-life experience that reflects the values we have lived by.

Loss involves grief. Unexpressed and unprocessed grief leads to dysfunction and illness of the body, spirit and relationships but we often need guidance through this process.

Most of us are unprepared for catastrophic accidents and illness, trusting that life will go on as we are used to it when in reality, things can “go south” really fast.  Few of us are trained to deal with dying, a catastrophic diagnisis or a loved one with dementia.

Finally, when death approaches we often need guidance to advocate, support and prepare – this includes healthcare advocacy, education and support in dying well and authentically.  I can help you with this, up to and including a place to die here, in Nature.


Find valuable support and insights from a compassionate professional able to assist you in navigating major life changes, grief, loss or trauma, and end-of-life preparation for yourself or a loved one.

Counseling & Guidance

Life Coaching

Life Change

Climate Grief and Eco-Distress

Family Conflict Resolution

End of Life Issues and Challenges

Restorative and Educational Retreats

Ritual, Ceremony and Rites of Passage

Planning & Advocacy

Advance Care Planning

End of Life Planning

Home Funeral Guidance

Medical Aid in Dying
(Death with Dignity)
Companioning and Navigation

Personalized Authentic Ceremony

End of Life Services

 Advance Care Planning

Plan the Dying You Want

Grief & Loss Counseling

Pet Loss

Death Doula

Medical Aid in Dying (Death with Dignity)
Navigating the process and the law: Education and Guidance & a place to die in Nature

Ceremony and Rites of Passage


Get Support & Guidance
Managing Grief, Loss & Change

Drake Living & Dying Design

In addition to being a life and change coach I am a clinically trained spiritual care and grief counselor.   I have Master’s Degrees in Conflict Resolution and also Divinity/Theology.  I am a certified Mediator, certified Home Funeral Guide, certified Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplain, end of life educator and expert in education on medical aid in dying (MAiD) and voluntary stopping of eating and drinking (VSED).  I serve as an Interfaith Chaplain and doula providing spiritual and emotional care to the religious, non-religious, spiritual, atheist, philosopher.   All of my work is informed by an understanding of trauma.  All of my grief, life and end-of-life care counseling is done through the rubric of spiritual care, life and end-of-life coaching.

It is important to note that although I am not, nor do I claim to be a licensed psychotherapist, many years of supervised spiritual care within a clinical environment (hospital, hospice, palliative care, disasters) have trained me to do this highly emotionally work.  Additionally, my direct responsibility for spiritual care and grief counseling in pediatric oncology, adult transplant and other ICUs, the emergency department, neonatology, cardiac and psychiatric environments have trained me well and broadly.  That said, it is my hospice and palliative care experience, along with conflict resolution, that have best equipped me for this work in the service of you and your family..  

I have taught about end of life issues, restorative justice, trauma and forgiveness at San Francisco Theological Seminary (The Graduate Theological Union) and the Chaplaincy Institute of Interfaith Studies and lectured on spiritual care, end of life issues (including medical aid in dying and other end of life choices), grief and forgiveness nationally and internationally.

Although trained in and respecting many religious traditions I am far more personally a philosopher and spiritual by nature.  I will never preach or proselytize What matters is what YOU believe, need, value.  My job is to be there to witness your experience and support you on this journey, however difficult.  Everyone suffers, everyone grieves, everyone experiences loss and difficult, sometimes dramatic changes to body, work, social functionality and prognosis.  My job is to support you and your loved ones through these changes and challenges.   My job is to listen and be a working companion through these challenging times – even up to the end.

In-Person or Virtual Services

After your free first “get to know each other” phone, zoom or face-time meeting you can choose to meet on-line or in person.  Just reach out by email at or call (971) 813-4357 to arrange a time to discuss your needs.

Visit the Farm

In-person individual or group sessions are held at our beautiful Shelton, WA property on the Olympic Peninsula.  Drake Living & Dying Design is part of the Love & Greens farm on East State Route 3.  We’re located at the top of Oakland Bay on Puget Sound.  Take advantage of our peaceful surroundings to find solace and healing among the towering Douglas Fir trees, the orchard, ponds and vineyard.  For directions to the Farm email or call ‪(971) 813-4357‬.

Get In Touch

Email: or

Call:  ‪(971) 813-4357‬